Sefech Ba RA

In Ancient Kemetic text such as the Pert M Heru, reference is made to 7 primary energy centers as Sefech (Sefek) Ba RA which translates to Seven Souls of RA; which later became known as the 7 Chakras. They have also been referred to as Aritu (spinning wheels) and Arushaats (Seats of light). The Sefech Ba RA are concentrated areas of sekhem (life-force energy) sourcing from RA (Creator and Sustainer of Life) that govern various aspects of our existence on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Since they govern  multiple planes of our existence they each have functions associated with each plane of existence.  Hence they each have a physical, mental and spiritual component that when ALL purified awakens the Divine Consciousness within us.  When this occurs, we share in the omniscience, omnipresent and omnipotent attributes of RA.